Art of ideation, invention, creation coupled with conscious design 

A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock pile when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Proprietary Strain Collection

PBI has assembled a diverse library of axenically isolated marine & freshwater microorganisms that produce a variety of high-value ingredients, including omega-3 oils, antioxidants, novel actives, and biomaterials with applications in biotherapeutics, nutraceutical, food, feed, and personal care.

  • A DHA-producing strain, identified and characterized at PBI, was commercialized using the PBK plant in Gongju city, Korea.

  • Carotenoid enriched oil, extracted from one of our strains is a key ingredient in the personal care product line sold under the Stēlla Marē brand. 

  • Novel strains producing high-value biomaterials and biotherapeutic molecules are currently under different phases of development.

 Technology Platform for Cell Programming and Remodeling

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Conscious design

We screen our microbial library to identify strains that produce either precursors or desired end products. Then, we use bioinformatics tools to understand metabolic pathways and design pilot studies to modulate the desired products.


Pathway engineering

Our elegant techniques for strain adaptation and improvement, coupled with single-cell programming, allow us to generate strains producing high-value products.

Phycoil Signal Process

Cultivation and Downstream Process

  • Phycoil’s proprietary PSP fermentation and associated technologies overcome the production limitations generally associated with open pond (photoautotrophic) growth, enabling efficient production of biomass in various microorganisms under controlled conditions. 

  • Our optimized protocols, strain enhancement capabilities, and PSP technology allow us to maximize the production of an ingredient of choice and rapidly scale up fermentation for industrial manufacturing.