Sustainable bioproducts for our overall health and wellbeing
Products launched in Korea
Both refined oil and skincare products will provide new and innovative health and personal care solutions to consumers in various geographies.
Plant-based omega-3 oil can be custom formulated into TG, EE, and rTG forms and fortified into your desired products.
A soap, cream, toner, and serum infused with oil and polysaccharides extracted from microalgae, perfect for individuals of all ages.

Smarter innovation, better products and countless possibilities
Healthy oils
These oils are rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs) and can be formulated with varying ratios of omega-3 and omega-6 oils based on your specific needs. They provide better alternatives to traditional sources and can be produced sustainably without depleting or disrupting already stressed natural resources.
Food Ingredients and Animal feed
Microalgae contain high amounts of proteins that are good vegan options for humans and are widely used to supplement livestock and aquatic animals.
Actives and Biomolecules
Our library includes several strains that produce large amounts of polysaccharides, making them ideal for personal care and cosmetic applications because of their moisturizing and anti-aging benefits. Additionally, we have identified strains that generate molecules with promising anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties, making them suitable for pharmaceutical use.